A very short post to tell you all our new website is ready and should be launched on Monday 16th November. We would have hoped for a few weeks earlier but these things happen!
The primary domain will now be comacotoys.com, although old comacodirect links should still redirect you there. Here is the new simplified logo:

You will not have failed to notice we are now very close to Christmas and as always we have lots of great toys in stock. Here are some banners that will feature on the new site:

This will probably be the last post on this site as our new site will feature an internal blog. I look forward to seeing you there!
Posted in Burning Issues, Products, Promotions
Tagged Bing toys, christmas is coming at comaco, Christmas toys online, comaco, comaco toys, comacotoys.com, drumnadrochit, e commerce, ecommerce, HTI toys, Marvel toys, new website launch, online toys, Padgett a to z toys, Papo toys, Peterkin toys, Schleich toys, space toys, Star Wars toys, toy shops, toys drumnadrochit, toys Inverness, Transformers toys, world peacekeepers